Offering specialized & multi-level practices to support your optimal whole-being well-being.
Our goal is to help you Shine!
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Hi Friends!
Welcome to our class portal. We have many options for you to continue - or begin - a yoga practice. Please follow the links to find out more about how to sign up for and attend the type of classes that feels just right for you.
The easiest way to see our current in-person and live-streaming schedule is to visit our MindBody schedule. You can click here or click the big red "sign up for a class" button on any page. Scroll down for a guide to find the best class to fit your current needs and goals.
To sign up for class, you will need to have a Shine Yoga - MindBody account. Click here for directions about how to do that and to sign up for classes. We currently offer in-person, live-stream, and on-demand yoga classes. Click the nearby buttons for more info.
A Guide To Shine Classes & Class Levels
Our basic categories of classes, based on “fitness” level are listed and then followed by specific class suggestions with brief descriptions. See our MindBody scheduler to see specific class times, teacher bios, full class descriptions, and to sign up for classes.
Ground Floor Classes - Meditative and/Or Relaxing/Restorative Classes
Lobby Level - Gentle, Daily Function, Regenerative Movement Classes, Pre & Post-Natal
Level 1 - Beginner & Basic Posture-Based Yoga Classes: Slow Pace, Simple Transitions, Detailed & Supportive Instruction
Level 2* - These classes build on the basics with variations offered for students to work in a more gentle — or challenging — way in order to suit personal needs and goals. Classes build on basic postures, may include some slow flow, and may introduce more challenging posture and breath-work variations.
Level 3* - These classes include opportunities to build strength, flexibility, and other fitness aspects. They include our Align & Flow Classes and Intermediate/Advanced classes. These classes whether they include flow or not are likely to include the introduction & practice of inversions, arm-balances, and deeper variations of backbends, twists, and hip-openers.
*Level 2 and 3 classes are our fitness/athletic-level classes. These classes include a mix of posture, flow, and more traditional yoga practices like mindfulness and conscious breath engagement which help students build the components of fitness (like tone, balance, strength, etc) while practicing with traditional yoga themes (like harmony in movement, energy balance, skillful action, etc). We have several levels/styles of these types of classes so that students can come in to a class that serves your personal needs and goals whether you are just beginning yoga practice or are an experienced practitioner.